Monday, February 13, 2012

life/death (taxes)

     Everyday is new and different. Thousands of days make up our lives. We can suffer for one day and feel free the next. We can cry for hundreds of days or laugh for hundreds of days, and in only one day everything can change. Life cannot be planned, for life is spontaneous. In its spontaneity, life is wonderful and thrilling and painful and horrific. Why is life so many emotions and feelings combined into one? Why is everyday new and different? Why do some people suffer more than others? It doesn't seem fair. Actually, it's not fair. Why are we concerned with what's fair and what is not fair? Civilization and peace and everyone getting a piece of the pie, no matter how thin. Life is not fair because eventually everyone loses it. We can even plan our own death. In a way, death is the only thing we have control over. We can choose death; I know it doesn't seem like a real choice, but it really is the one thing that when we do it, will stay permanent. But then, choosing life must be a form of control as well. We choose to live or die, wake and sleep, collapse or stand. If our choices are live or die, then we always have a say in the matter of our life as long as we don't choose death. Eventually a stiff wind comes and extinguishes us, but in the meantime, we're choosing to live, to keep going, to post-pone death until we don't want the choice to choose anymore or life gets us first.


  1. I'm glad I chose life. :) I will continue to do so, as long as it depends on me.

  2. Sounds like a minor existential breakdown. I'd say have a pie, pour yourself a cup of tea and try not to think to deeply for that is dangerous. Or actually, do keep thinking, it makes for good reading. Hope all is well with you


catalog of august 2020

 Unemployed, depressed(?) heat wave dehydrated Dreams from My Father birds d&d anxiety geri getting us a light cover front neighbors guy...