Monday, April 2, 2012

Normal Update

Today was fun.

We got our exams back in Psychology. I got a 72%: much better than I expected. I'm content with C's.

Then, in Philosophy we got our quizzes back. I got a 14/15. Pretty good, considering I don't read the book or do the practice problems. There's this really strange girl that I talk to after class. Our moms know each other, strangely enough, and so the first day I recognized her. To avoid anything awkward, I kinda initiated an introduction, since we had never spoken to each other before and had only briefly seen each other. Anyway, she's kind of weird. Weird in a off-putting way. We haven't really hit it off; I don't feel any particular comfort or eagerness when talking to her. It's an acquaintance of convenience, really, since in the future we might see each other. She has a sister that's my age (older), whom I had in several high school classes. You know how sometimes telling the truth can be kind of mean? You'll see in a minute. Whenever I think of these two sisters, this thought always comes to my head. The thing is, the older sister, the one my age, is, to put it bluntly, the "ugly one", and the younger one, the one in my philosophy class, is the "cute one". Doesn't sound very nice, right? But it's true. At least in my opinion. I'm only speaking of physical features, of course. The older sister is much easier to talk with, and gives off a much more friendly demeanor (although, with a quirky and reserved girl like her, friendly is kind of a stretch). So, I suppose I wished the younger sister was a bit more friendly, but remained cute. I guess what I just realized is that no one is really what you totally want.

I've been working out for the past month and a half. Nothing much, just an hour three times a week. I'm starting to feel a little bored, but I really can't argue with the results I'm starting to notice.

Things to do for tomorrow:
--read Acts 1 & 2 of Hamlet for my Shakespeare class
--prepare weekly Dungeons and Dragons meeting
--read Philosophy book
--prepare for power point presentation on Thursday
--eat my vegetables
--swing by Barnes & Nobles (maybe?)
--keep loving myself/look forward to stuff

We might have a birthday dinner on Sunday for two of my friends. I'm looking forward to that.


  1. Good to hear from you! What philosophy class are you in/what are you learning about? Which is more important to you: how someone looks, or their personality/level of connection you feel with them? You best remember to eat your vegetables. :)
    Tell us about how your birthday was!

    1. Oh, definitely how comfortable I am around them and their personality. But looks still factor into it. I'd say it's 75%/25%.


catalog of august 2020

 Unemployed, depressed(?) heat wave dehydrated Dreams from My Father birds d&d anxiety geri getting us a light cover front neighbors guy...