Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Mutual Discord

I want to go, to leave, and find someplace new. If possible, I want to travel to the future. I want to know who I'll be, who I'll associate with, what I'll do, what I'll be skilled at, and what I'll be deficient at.

Sometimes a person doesn't like you, and sometimes you don't like a person, and there's nothing else to be done about that. I don't mean outright hatred that burns inside our hearts; that's the kind of contempt reserved for movies and vain nincompoops. This dislike can be illustrated by something simple, like giving them a curt nod hello when you see them and walking away. Can everyone on Earth be agreeable with each other? No, I doubt it. We may hold our tongues, reserve our body language, withhold any hostility whatsoever, but there's not much to be done, nor is there more to expect. There will always be at least one person we don't see eye-to-eye with, and who's feelings are in concord with our own. It can't be helped. Whether it's because of deeply held opinions, an accidental history of bad blood, or something in-between, we each have a foil.

I am most encouraged when I am amongst my peers and perceive myself capable of surpassing their work; I am most discouraged when I read or hear about my superiors and find myself doubting my ability of ever reaching their level. I think my ego is far too frail.

Lately the sky has been overcast, and all day long it's gray outside.


  1. Time travel is impossible. You should come visit me though! It will only cost you thousands of dollars! The sky is never gray here. It rained only twice in 2 months, I think.

  2. Your words are beautiful, and the most relatable writings that I've read in a long time.


catalog of august 2020

 Unemployed, depressed(?) heat wave dehydrated Dreams from My Father birds d&d anxiety geri getting us a light cover front neighbors guy...