Wednesday, April 3, 2013

silly little things

1. graduate
2. marry
3. buy a house
4. own a business
5. have children
6. retire
7. end a war
8. write novels
9. fail art
10. live abroad
11. live alone
12. ? ? ?

my twelve(ish) labors.


  1. 1. Career
    2. Move out of my mom's house
    3. Marry
    4. Kids
    5. Travel
    6. Music?

  2. Tom, the only thing I don't like about you is the fact that you don't blog enough. I don't think I'll ever stop reading your blog, so you better keep writing. Write whatever you want. Be honest. I'll try my best not to judge you. We're all human. We all feel. We all think. We all react differently. We're all flawed. We all write short sentences in an effort to make a point.

    Don't be afraid of what I (or anyone) will think of you. Because I think we're all the same in the end.


catalog of august 2020

 Unemployed, depressed(?) heat wave dehydrated Dreams from My Father birds d&d anxiety geri getting us a light cover front neighbors guy...