Monday, October 3, 2011

This whole life situation

Sometimes it's hard to think about--this whole life situation. It's true that money dictates everything; it's the fuel for living. A part of me hates that, though it does accept the truth. That's the thing about truth: you may not have to like it, but you must accept it. What is true anyways? Anyways.

Like I said, part of me hates this life situation: get born, grow up, go to school, job, career, career, family, struggle, retirement(?), death, gone. And money keeps it running. It's so predictable. The youthful, creative side of me is inside right now, shaking his head, saying, "No, no, no, no; my life won't be like that." Oh, really?

Sometimes it's hard to live knowing money will dictate my life. Is there a way to escape? What do I want out of life anyway? It's painful to think about.


  1. Hm. You ask some good questions.

    I wish money wasn't so important in our society. Maybe you should move to a third world country.

  2. I don't think there truly is a way to escape unless you become completely content by placing yourself in poverty and living through it for the entirety of your existence... the mechanics of modern global economics that leads us to this conclusion- that forces us to conform to corporate control and the rat race is animosity to me. But what can we do?

    Thank you so much for your comments and kind words,


catalog of august 2020

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