Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Golf Swing

The golf swing is smooth,
easy, flowing.
You don't force the swing,
or else you tense-up and the swing turns into a sort of controlled trip.

The golf swing is powerful,
weightless, balanced.
Its power comes from the hips;
you shift your body weight going through,
like swinging a baseball bat, only vertically.

Like a palm tree,
the swing is loose enough so it sways in the wind,
but strong enough so it doesn't snap in half.

The swing is calm,
peaceful, focused.
Focusing on only the swing,
ignoring all noise and movement,
the swing stops time,
until you release yourself and then it goes--high, far, easy.


  1. I've never heard the golf swing described quite that way. I love it. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hey, thanks for following! :)


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