Monday, June 28, 2010

So? How was your day?

My day? Well, I liked my day.

My day went smoothly, if you want to know the truth. My new class seems to be a real gut-buster. It's three and a half hours of lecture, tedious note taking, and hearing my professors dull voice.

He seems nice enough. He was, however, fifteen minutes late to class.

I always find the unfamiliar discomfort of first days amusing, especially when everyone in the class is quietly waiting for the professor to arrive or for class to start. I'm not much on talking with people, if I'll be honest. I get by fine, but I'm not one to strike up a conversation with another person.

They say a good rule of thumb for studying is devoting two hours for every one hour of class. I think that's overkill. I would never be able to study like that for six classes in a regular semester. It's not that I wouldn't have enough time; I'm just a lousy student. Haha. I'm not terrible though. I get A's with some effort; but I'm constantly slacking off and such. If you know one of those people--smart but lazy--then you know what I'm talking about; if you are one of those people, then you definitely know what I'm talking about. Sometimes I wish I wasn't like this, and I know wishing does nothing, so sometimes I command myself to become a better student. But then I realize I'd be terribly unhappy if I did that, so I resolve not to. Disappointing, I know: can't sacrifice a few moments of happiness for potentially higher gains of happiness later in life. But I look at it from a different angle: concentrate on the now-happiness so you'll always be happy--or at least you'll try. I'm not one to plan the future up to crossing the t's and dotting the i's; I'm more of a hail mary, long shot type of planner. I'm more of a, "Hey, look how bright and lovely the sun is today" or "I think I'll dance in my living room and then go give my mom a hug" type of planner. A slacker, you could say; or even a waste of potential. But like I said, I'd go crazy if my only thoughts were "study, pee break, read dull textbook, pee break, type, type, type, pee break". I'm a happy person, which I think we know by now doesn't mean I'm happy all the time--impossible!--but that I'm happy most of the time. And potential is such fickle idea. Who's to say one person has more potential than another? We all have different strengths that aren't always shown or appreciated. Because I'm a good writer, does that make me a happier, more fulfilled person than my friend Charlie, who's good at something that can't be applied to academics, like kite flying? Heck no! Charlie should fly his kite as we damn well pleases. Go Charlie, go! My point is that I'm happy with not excelling in school; I'm fine with not going to an Ivy League or top-tier University--transferring next year; I'm fine with living in modest but clean and healthy means so long as I do what I enjoy and am able to live a life I can be proud of. The truth is, I'm just fine with myself! I'm still getting a wonderful education; I'm still focusing on bettering myself through academics; I'm still getting that coveted piece of paper called a degree. I'll be fine in the future. I can't tell you what I'll be doing, how I'll be living, who I'll be hanging around, or how successful I'll be, but I can tell you I'll be trying to make the best out of any situation I'm in.

By the way, slacking-off doesn't mean not worrying or stressing over school, assignments, etc.; it means not stressing so much, and keeping things in context. I won't die if I don't turn in a paper, if I fail a class, if I trip in front of people, etc. I'm much happier appreciating my life!

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me so much of myself. I could get really great grades if I wanted to but it would kill my social life.

    I always do well, just not fantastic.


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